
Showing posts from October, 2021

SLA concepts & theories + Individual differences (IDs) in SLA

  SLA CONCEPTS & THEORIES Interlanguage is the own version that a learner has of the second or foreign language they are acquiring. However, this is not static, it is dynamic and it presents changes all the time. In addition, interlanguage is halfway between the first language (L1) and the target language (TL). Therefore, it is influenced by the learner’s L1 knowledge, since they use it to understand the TL rules and, in that way, they counteract the competency gaps they may find in the TL. This is why it could be said that interlanguage acts as a bridge for the learner (Rangelova, 2018). Here we have the example of a native speaker whose L1 is Russian. He is trying to learn English and, on his way, he develops his own interlanguage in order to cope with the new linguistic challenge and make some progress. Image retrieved from: To continue with SLA concepts, we will now discuss a phenomenon ...

SLA & ELT acronyms

CLT (Communicative Language Teaching)  is an approach to second language teaching that focuses all its efforts towards the development and practice of the appropriateness of language use in any given social context. By the same token, it emphasizes the functional and pragmatic aspects of language, and less likely highlights formal structures. In other words, it gives more  importance and relevance to  meaning and rules of use rather than to standard and formal grammatical rules  (Rhalmi, 2009). Image retrieved from: Video retrieved from: ELF (English as a Lingua Franca)  refers to a sociolinguistic concept that advocates the existence of a common language that enables the communication between interlocutors who speak different languages. According to Nordquist (2020), English would function here as a vehicle whose main aim is to convey and receive...

ELT concepts & methodologies

According to Ur (2016),  Language Teaching Methodology  involves the principles and procedures throughout which a language is shown to others. This includes the ability to let potential learners acquire a new language, how this is shown to them, and how the language is going to be learned. Within the different methodologies, there are three more dominant in accordance with Echevarria (2010). These are: the direct method, centered on the oral language; the grammar-translation method , based on exercises of translating texts from one language to another; and the audio-lingual method , procedure based on repetition. However, the election of the method must be selected depending on what the student wants to achieve. Image retrieved from: Feedback is a method usually associated with correction, and, concerning language teaching, it is done between the teacher and the student. It gives the learner some direct...

ELT Teaching procedures

Deductive and inductive teaching are two approaches that are applied to grammar learning and teaching. In the deductive approach, the learner is given a general grammatical rule which is applied to specific language examples and then, practiced through exercises. The inductive approach involves the opposite action: learners are given practical exercises in order to detect the patterns and work out a rule by themselves. Some grammar books may prefer to use one approach over the other, while others may be more flexible and present both of them, according to what the language studied permits (Oxford University Press, 2015).   On the one hand, deductive teaching is a top-down approach, it goes from the more general to the more specific: first, we have a general theory from which we make specific hypotheses that are finally tested. On the other hand, inductive teaching is a bottom-up approach, moving from the more specific to the more general: specific observations are made to detect pa...


    BBC. (n.d.). Feedback . Retrieved from  Feedback | TeachingEnglish | British Council | BBC   (Date of access: 22 October 2021).      Du, X. (2009). The Affective Filter in Second Language Teaching. Asian Social Science, 5 (8), 163. Retrieved from  Microsoft Word - ASS200908e ( ) (Date of access: 21 October 2021).     Echevarria, M. (2010, March 10). What is the Best Language Teaching Method? Alta . Retrieved from (Date of access: 23 October 2021).     Nordquist, R. (2020, April 3). English as a Lingua Franca (ELF). Glossary of Grammatical and Rhetorical Terms.  ThoughtCo . Retrieved from  (Date of access:  21 October 2021 ).     Nordquist, R. (2020, August 27). "English As an Additional Language (EAL)."  ThoughtCo . Retrieved f...